Since their invention in the 1890s, diesel engines have been one of the leading pieces of machinery used in several industries. This engine was first used for labor-intensive tasks, such as manufacturing and agriculture. But today, diesel engines have been an essential part of the transportation industry. Many trucks nowadays use diesel engines because of many advantageous features. Not only do diesel engines provide vehicle owners with a better fuel economy, but they are also proven to be more durable than their gasoline counterparts.
Diesel engines are still reliable when it comes to heavy-duty tasks. This specific machinery can still be used for towing and long-distance travel activities. Because of this, every truck owner should know that it is crucial to have your vehicle regularly maintained to ensure optimal diesel power performance. And among all of the components, the piston rings are one diesel engine element that truck owners should know how to protect the most.
What is Piston Ring and its Functions?
A piston ring is a metallic split ring attached to the outer diameter of an internal combustion engine’s piston. The piston system of a diesel engine consists of multiple piston rings with different functions. The first ring or compression ring’s primary purpose is to seal the combustion chamber to prevent gas leakage from happening.
Another piston ring is the wiper. The wiper ring is mainly responsible for stopping the gas from leaking to the other piston parts if an excess gas penetrates the compression ring.
The oil control ring is another piston ring that controls the oil passing through the cylinder walls. This ring ensures that only a minimal amount of oil can enter the chamber walls.
Causes and Symptoms of Piston Ring Failures
As mentioned above, piston rings are an essential component of your diesel engine. This is why proper maintenance is necessary. However, some engine failures happen even before you notice them.
There are several causes of piston ring failures, such as inaccurate assembly, damage in the control ring, and contamination are the three most common causes why piston rings fail to function correctly.
As a solution, you as a truck driver should be more mindful of what your vehicle is showing. Because more often than not, when you notice something different, it is more likely that your auto is showing you that something is wrong. So when you observe symptoms such as unusual high oil consumption, decreased acceleration rate, excessive exhaust smoke, oil in the air intake, and weak truck performance, it will be better to have your engine checked.
Want to know more about piston rings? You may read more about it in this infographic created by Pure Diesel Power.